CRL Launch Access to Swimming Programme – Southport           

On Saturday 9th October CRL and Sefton Council launched the Access to Swimming Programme at the Dunes Leisure Centre, Southport. We developed the programme alongside our client, Sefton Council as part of our work on the Dunes Splash World contract.

The Access to Swimming Programme provides swimming lessons and kit to children who may otherwise lack to the opportunity to learn to swim or access a swimming pool. We want to give these children the chance to learn an important life skill and be able to have fun and socialise at the same time.

CRL, alongside our suppliers (listed below), funded the programme which provides disadvantaged children and children in care with a 10-week swimming course and goody-bags containing swimwear, goggles and towels. Around 30 children are participating in programme currently, with the view to launch it again in the new year and give even more children the opportunity to learn to swim.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Health & Wellbeing, said: "We recognise that throughout the country there are a lot of children who do not have the opportunity or means to take part in any formal swimming lessons.

“That is why we are delighted that, thanks to the generous and kind hearted donation of CRL Concrete Repairs Ltd and partners, we are able to provide a dedicated Access to Swimming scheme to help children in care have the opportunity to learn how to swim, enjoy being in a pool and making many happy memories.

“The opportunity to provide these lessons for disadvantaged children in care who have not had the opportunity to attend anything like this before is invaluable and I would like to say a massive thank you to CRL and their suppliers for their philanthropy."

We are especially grateful to Mapei, AMB Technical Ltd, VI Distribution, Industrial Coating Services, QED Scaffolding and Prema Energy Ltd for their generous support and making the Access to Swim Programme possible.


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