Sustainability and carbon reduction are buzz words in our industry right now and with the emphasis on reducing our carbon footprint the concrete repair industry is looking at ways to convince clients that carrying out 'preventative' maintenance is the right way to go.
A paper recently written by Dr Chris Atkins and Dr Paul Lambert goes part of the way to supplying figures which can be used to justify these preventative measures by looking at the loss of embodied energy associated with corrosion and degradation throughout the life of a structure. Their paper presents a review of corrosion and
protection methods from the point of view of whole-life embodied carbon.
What is clear from the paper is that preventative measures, - such as anti-carbonation coatings and cathodic protection (both ICCP & galvanic) applied timeously to a reinforced concrete structure will in the long run help reduce our carbon footprint.
Click here to read the full paper