Leading the Industry in corrosion prevention
Steel corrosion costs the UK economy billions of pounds every year and it is often the reason we are required to repair buildings and structures. Over the last 65 years we have developed a range of corrosion control techniques to combat corrosion and thus enhance the durability which leads to reduced future maintenance costs for the client.
These techniques range from simple barrier coatings, corrosion inhibitors, galvanic cathodic protection systems, hybrid cathodic protection systems and impressed current cathodic protection systems (ICCP). Since the 1980s we have pioneered the use of cathodic protection systems for effective corrosion control and contributed to the development of international standards such as ISO 12696 "Cathodic protection of steel in concrete" and ISO 15257 which specifies the competence levels for CP designers and installers.
The primary cause for steel corrosion in concrete is chloride ions at the steel/concrete interface in sufficient concentration to disrupt the passive film on the steel surface and initiate corrosion. Concrete is exposed to chloride ions in marine environments and in Northern Europe where de-icing salts are often used on the road network in winter. Over a period of time the chloride ions migrate through the cover concrete and eventually initiate pitting corrosion of the steel reinforcement which leads to concrete cracking and structural failure.
In steel framed buildings where the stone or masonry cladding is in intimate contact with the steel frame, any cracks in the facades or deficiencies in rainwater management will lead to steel frame corrosion and subsequent failure of the cladding system which is often termed "Regent Street Disease" where the problem is a common occurence on buildings constructed during the first half of the 20th century.
At CRL we specialise in the design, installation and management of corrosion control techniques for reinforced concrete and steel framed buildings which stop or reduce future steel corrosion activity. Prevention is the most cost effective way of managing the risk and we have the experience and reputation in the industry to deliver corrosion management solutions.
We continue to develop our corrosion control service working with Universities and material suppliers to ensure we offer innovative corrosion control solutions and remain at the forefront of this technology which we have pioneered in the industry.
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"Corrosion prevention is described as 'the retardation of either the anodic or cathodic reactions to reduce the rate of corrosion'. It has a long track record and has been proven to be the most cost effective solution to stop, or slow down the rate of corrosion."